Much has been written about the future. Yet, for the most part, books about the world to come sound a harsh metallic note. These pages, by contrast, concern themselves with the ‘soft’ or human side of tomorrow. Moreover, they concern themselves with the steps by which we are likely to reach tomorrow.
Toffler had a huge influence on the work I do and continues to inspire my passion for building a better future.
Bruce Boyes shares some recent research into groups.
One piece that caught my eye was the research which suggests that “… it is better to focus on the communications process rather than group decisions.” In other words, it’s more important to concentrate on the way the team works, rather than what it is working on.
This aligns with my own view that process consultation is particularly suited to 21st century needs and conditions, and that the role of a consultant is often to help the group (or team) to help itself.
Whenever technology misbehaves, restarting it usually solves the problem. So, that’s what I’m doing with my site—I’m giving it a reboot! It’s been a long time since I blogged regularly. I’ve had a couple of goes at starting over, but didn’t get back into a routine. I’m hoping that a shiny new site and a writing workflow that involves less friction, makes it easier to keep going this time around. At the beginnin…
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