Chris Clark, for Enlivening Edge:
But it’s not enough to redesign the organization if you’re still committed to the underlying tenets that gave rise to its structure in the first place, a kind of logic suggesting the rearrangement of deckchairs on the Titanic, or apps on a Blackberry. Simply shuffling things around is not enough. We have to reconsider what organizations are, what they’re for, what’s possible within them. We have to learn how to be more human. And we need to hit “unsubscribe” on anything that keeps us from doing that.
Via Nancy White.
Teddy Wayne, writing for The New York Times:
A few neuroscientific studies reveal the extent to which we are dependent on our electronic devices and suggest how, in doing so, we may be impairing our reflective abilities.
Guilty as charged. The irony of posting a link to this, after reading it on my smart phone, is not lost on me.
I have written frequently … on the need for rebalancing society, but I feel that recent events have made the message more compelling. I will keep conveying it until that message gets through, or I can no longer write. So if you agree with it, please circulate this so that I can move on!
I agree. Sharing so that Henry can move on!